Sparking Up Again

WordPress reminded me yesterday that we had hit our two-year anniversary. I’d forgotten to buy flowers or even a card to commemorate one of the longest relationships I’ve had with just about anything, save a few t-shirts to which I am particularly attached. I’ve let this love fall by the wayside, lost that spark due to a routine of work and social commitments and the odd run at Netflix, but no more. In order to form a more perfect union make sure that I keep up my end of the partnership, I’ve even finished a project that I’d been working for a while. Good people, I give you my writing blog.

Sure, it’s only just getting its sea legs, but it’ll get there. Even if you don’t visit–or do and hate everything, then decide to terminate all contact with me–it does mean that I can finally hand out these business cards without ending a sentence with the phrase, “down for maintenance.”


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